“We deployed PostgresPURE in combination with IBM Power systems in a twin-datacentre setup along with High-Availability failover. This setup runs with great satisfaction for our systems that produce and process many millions of transactions day to day to deliver all parcels on time and to the right place every day.”
–– Pierre-Yves Rouzaud, Director of Projects, Mondial Relay

PostgresPURE: 100% open source
supported PostgreSQL
PostgresPURE represents a refined approach to PostgreSQL usage, integrating a suite of open-source tools designed to enhance database setup and management. It prioritizes stability and reliability, providing organizations with a reliable solution for ensuring stable database environments.
At its core, PostgresPURE relies on the robustness and flexibility of PostgreSQL community version, complemented by carefully selected open source tools to streamline configuration and operation. This approach ensures smooth deployment and ongoing management, and addresses diverse organizational needs without compromising quality, security, stability and flexibility. Without causing any vendor lock-in.
Complementing its robust architecture, PostgresPURE offers a subscription based model with predictable release management and facilitates seamless updates, while premium support ensures prompt assistance 24 hours a day, promoting a sense of security and reliability.
PostgresPURE enables organizations to make the most of PostgreSQL by simplifying complexity, standardization and reducing risk. It serves your (future) needs. Interested? Explore PostgresPURE now!
Features and Benefits of PostgresPURE
24/7 premium Support
A PostgresPURE subscription gives you access to our world-class, 24-7 premium support based on key SLAs. Depending on the nature or severity of the issue, we’ll either help you through our online ticking system, or via telephone. Rest assured, we’re always online and ready to help.
PostgresPURE is setup to make it possible for you to maintain a standard for PostgreSQL and associated components, to prevent sprawling, and to allow you to stay in control
Release Management
Open source software means updates at the speed of innovation. Besides PostgreSQL, PostgresPURE consists of all kinds of components, each with their own release cycle. Splendid Data checks for every major and minor release of PostgreSQL to ensure these components remain in sync with PostgreSQL and the release policy of the PostgreSQL community.
We’re one of the leading specialists in PostgreSQL – knowledge and expertise that’s ready to work for you when needed. No matter how complex the problem, we provide clarity and clear steps to solve it.
PostgresPURE vs Oracle Enterprise Edition
How is PostgresPURE composed?
PostgresPURE has been developed to provide you with as much functionality as possible on the basis of convenience and ease of use. All components are 100% open source (free of charge) and in essence you only pay for the premium support and the release management.
PostgresPURE components
PostgreSQL database
The world’s most advanced open source relational database.
A leading connection pooler for setting up highly redundant environments.
A highly trusted replication and failover manager for PostgreSQL server clusters.
Provides spatial objects for storing information about location and mapping.
Removes bloat from tables and indexes to keep your database performing.
Shell scripts making your PostgreSQL life even more easier.
For tracking execution plan statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.
A powerful database management tool built for ease of use.
A detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL facility.
Robust backup and recovery managers for planning backup and disaster recovery.
Allows user to run arbitrary command in a background worker.
Creating and managing both time-based and serial-based table partition sets.
A simple job scheduler that enables you to add scheduled jobs to a database and execute SQL commands directly froma job.
For monitoring and managing automated failover for a PostgreSQL cluster.
How is PostgresPURE composed?
PostgresPURE has been developed to provide you with as much functionality as possible on the basis of convenience and ease of use. All components are 100% open source (free of charge) and in essence you only pay for the premium support and the release management.
Shell scripts making your PostgreSQL life even more easier.
A highly trusted replication and failover manager for PostgreSQL server clusters.
Removes bloat from tables and indexes to keep your database performing.
Provides spatial objects for storing information about location and mapping.
Robust backup and recovery managers for planning backup and disaster recovery.
A leading connection pooler for setting up highly redundant environments.
A powerful database management tool built for ease of use.
Creating and managing both time-based and serial-based table partition sets.
Allows user to run arbitrary command in a background worker.
A simple job scheduler that enables you to add scheduled jobs to a database and execute SQL commands directly froma job.
A detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL facility.
For tracking execution plan statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.
For monitoring and managing automated failover for a PostgreSQL cluster.
For monitoring and managing automated failover for a PostgreSQL cluster.
PostgreSQL database
The world’s most advanced open source relational database.
Free Download
Splendid Data white paper – PostgresPURE highlights
Download our latest white paper today to learn more about PostgresPURE. Our 100% open source Enterprise-ready PostgreSQL solution.
PostgresPURE Q4 2024: New releases unveiled!
Explore our proven Solutions
Migration Scoping. Small investment. Smart review. Great insights.
We give you in no time insight into the complexity of your Oracle databases so you are able to plan your migration strategy.
Cortex. Migrate your Oracle databases to PostgreSQL with ease
Delivers the effortless migration of any Oracle database to native PostgreSQL without any vendor lock-in.
We’ve helped companies like yours
PostgresPURE versions, platforms
and Release support policy
General Terms and Conditions PostgresPURE
FAQs about PostgresPURE
Why should I choose PostgresPURE?
PostgresPURE is a cutting-edge software product that creates an enterprise-ready environment using PostgreSQL (community version) combined with additional open source components to offer you a standardised, future-proof and easy to launch and manage your PostgreSQL database environments including 24-7 SLA based technical support, and a steady and predictable release policy.
Can PostgresPURE be used in a virtualised environment?
Yes, it can be deployed either on virtualised or on bare metal – either way. Your choice of deployment depends on specific needs. In many cases a virtual setup works perfectly, but in some cases it might be best to choose a bare metal setup.
Can PostgresPURE be used in a cloud environment?
Of course, but the cloud providers like Azure, AWS and GCP offer managed PostgreSQL by default. It all depends on what you want to achieve.
Is PostgresPURE for free?
PostgresPURE is purchased on a subscription basis. On the basis of the subscription you get access to our repository to download the desired version and future new versions of PostgresPURE, you get access to our extensive knowledge base (wiki) and of course you get access to our online helpdesk for 24-7 SLA based support. What will the future of PostgresPURE look like? We have listed some facts and figures for you.
What will the future of PostgresPURE look like?
Our engineers are always finding new improvements ensuring PostgresPURE is in a constant cycle of innovation. As our customers know, we follow the release schedule of the PostgreSQL community and Splendid Data releases PostgresPURE every quarter.
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