
The latest releases of PostgresPURE are live

New releases PostgresPURE Q1-2022

PostgresPURE, 100% open source, combines PostgreSQL with a powerful set of software components to launch and manage your PostgreSQL database environments. And now, it’s even more useful and effective with a new release.

PostgreSQL is always evolving and pushing its capabilities. As a result, so is PostgresPURE, as we ensure that all its components are performing correctly in line with our standards. In fact, all PostgresPURE versions are fully up-to-date with the latest versions of PostgreSQL and the latest versions of all other components.

PostgresPURE is now even more powerful

As part of the updates we have we have added 2 new components to PostgresPURE, pg_partman and pg_repack. pg_partman has been added to manage partitions, and pg_repack removes bloat from tables and indexes to keep your database performing optimally.

PostgresPURE components

Of course, as can be expected from us, everything has been extensively tested. We’ve also ensured that the new version of PostgresPURE can be retrieved and installed easily.

But should you have any questions or queries at all, our online Splendid Data Helpdesk Center will support you, 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

Over the next 3 to 6 months, we plan to extend PostgresPURE even further with pg_auto_failover and pg_store_plans. pg_auto_failover is a powerful feature that will monitor and manage automated failover for a PostgreSQL cluster. And pg_store_plans will quickly track execution plan statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.

That’s it for now, but watch this space. We’re always pushing the boundaries and creating powerful new ways to enhance our systems and make the most of PostgreSQL.

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