We work on Cortex every day to improve its capabilities. For the last months of 2022, we have been working hard to deliver a new release of Cortex.
In this new release of Cortex we have further improved our translation engines for migrating the Oracle Data and Code Objects to PostgreSQL. In addition to that the user interface for defining linked tables is made user-friendlier and less error-prone. Finally we’ve “re-organised” and extended the reporting capabilities of Cortex. As an example: besides integration with Jira, Cortex now also integrates with Azure DevOps.
Mid December 2022 we will release Cortex 2.4. This release will support PostgreSQL 15 (including native merge statement) and will have functionality to include external SQL’s to a migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL.
Splendid Data is continuously working on Cortex with the aim of making the migration from Oracle databases to native PostgreSQL increasingly effective and efficient. The on-going development of Cortex takes into account the experiences of the many use cases of our clients who use Cortex and of the migrations we perform for clients ourselves.
Cortex has proven to be the most efficient and effective solution for highly automated migration of Oracle databases to native PostgreSQL. With Cortex you’ll save lots time and money. No lock-in’s and deploy wherever you want.
Interested in a demo of Cortex? Feel free to contact me (zvpury.fpubctraf@fcyraqvqqngn.pbz).