
New minor releases of PostgresPURE, Q3 2024

New releases PostgresPURE Q3 2024 visual

New minor releases PostgreSQL 12 through 16

Beginning of August the PostgreSQL community has made available the new minor releases of PostgreSQL 12 through 16. For us, this means that based on these new minor releases, we have to start working on compiling the new releases of PostgresPURE.

Meanwhile, we have done our job and the new minor releases of PostgresPURE are available.

What have we done for you?

  • In addition to the minor versions of PostgreSQL, we have upgraded all other components of PostgresPURE where possible and necessary.
  • All components individually and in conjunction are extensively tested.
  • Last but not least, we’ve also extended our external wiki with lots of valuable information, including tips and tricks, regarding PostgreSQL and all other components of PostgresPURE.

What can you expect from us regarding PostgresPURE in 2024?

  • We stay aligned with the new minor versions of PostgreSQL and all the components that are part of PostgresPURE.
  • Our aim is to add the pgsodium encryption library extension for PostgreSQL to PostgresPURE. We are still testing this extension and determining the impact of adding these extensions. Currently, there are imperfections that prevent us from including pgsodium for the time being. Keep you posted on this..
  • We already started preparing ourselves for the new major release PostgreSQL 17, which will become available Q4-2024.

PostgresPURE, 100% open source, combines community versions of PostgreSQL with a powerful set of open source components to launch and manage your PostgreSQL database environments, and comes with sustainable release management and 24/7 premium support.

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