Introducing the new release of Cortex and future developments Just before the end of the year we have released a new version (2024.3) of Cortex. Since the last release, we have seen many new use cases that, as usual, have given us a lot of new inspiration to further...
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Cortex 2024.2 is released
Introducing the new release of Cortex and future developments We have released a new version (2024.2) of Cortex. After the previous release, we have seen many new use cases come along which, as usual, have given us a lot of new inspiration to keep on improving the...
Cortex 2024.1 is released
Introducing the new release of Cortex and future developments We have released a new version (2024.1) of Cortex. After the previous release, we have seen many new use cases come along which, as usual, have given us a lot of new inspiration to keep on improving the...
Cortex 2023.3 is released
Introducing the New Release of Cortex and Future Developments So shortly before the end of 2023, we have released a new version (2023.3) of Cortex.After the previous release, we have seen many new use cases come along which, as usual, have given us a lot of new...
Cortex 2023.2 is released
Introducing the New Release of Cortex and Future Developments The previous version of Cortex (2023.1) took longer than originally planned, but we had good reasons for that. This new version (2023.2) is released as planned, although our clients again gave us a lot of…
Cortex 2023.1 is released
Introducing the new release of Cortex and future developments. It took some time and we had some delay but finally the new release of Cortex is there. The delay was mainly caused by use cases given by our clients, which gave us a lot of inspiration to extend and improve the capabilities of Cortex. …
Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations – A combination of science and art
For me, migrating Oracle databases to PostgreSQL is a combination of science and art. Science is designed to be objective and guided by data and art is subjective and heavily influenced by feelings and opinions. Traditionally, art and science are treated as two separate disciplines, but when they are studied together, it becomes clear how one influences the other.
Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server
Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server combines the fully managed community edition of PostgreSQL databases with the broadest PostgreSQL extension support to handle mission-critical workloads with predictable performance and dynamic scalability. Interested in...
What can Splendid Data mean for Independent Software Vendors
You are an ISV and you want your product to be available on a PostgreSQL database environment in addition to Oracle. PostgreSQL is Oracle’s fastest growing competitor and is also open source. This has the advantage that offering your software product based on...
In Oracle’s stranglehold? Reduce Oracle’s footprint!
A trend that we see more and more often today, both nationally and internationally is the migration of Oracle databases to open source PostgreSQL databases. All this to reduce Oracle’s footprint within organizations. The benefits of migrating to open source PostgreSQL...