Due to a bug in the earlier versions of PostgreSQL 14, the PostgreSQL Global Development Group issued a new release on June 16, 2022. This new version (PostgreSQL 14.4) fixes an issue that can lead to silent corruption of indexes.
Obviously this means for us that we also have to make new minor releases of PostgresPURE. In the meantime, we have done so. Besides a new minor of PostgresPURE 9.4 (based on PostgreSQL 14) we have decided to make a new minor release of all PostgresPURE versions with some small intermediate updates of other components.
PostgresPURE is 100% open source and combines community versions of PostgreSQL with a powerful set of open source components to launch and manage your PostgreSQL database environments. Added to this, it comes with sustainable release management, 24/7 premium support and access to our wiki with lots of valuable information about PostgreSQL and all the components that are part of PostgresPURE.
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